Drive Home: A Short Film


Drive Home from Vanishing Angle on Vimeo.

Warning: This film features some colorful language and serious themes

In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, we are excited to release our short, “Drive Home”. After a failed suicide attempt, two friends attempt to be normal in the light of looming conversations.

Written by Erin McGown and MeLissa Luna
Executive Producers: Erin McGown and MeLissa Luna
Executive Producer: Andrew Olson
Directed by Scott Rodgers
DP: Arlene Muller
Line Producer: Khalehla Rixon
Camera Assistant: Leah Robson / Alain Navas / Nick Mueller
Sound: Justin Arbabi
Grip: Dean Campbell
PA: Jonathan Langley / Mitch Miller / Rachel Scott
Craft Services / Catering: Kelsey Olson
Editor: Scott Rodgers
Assistant Editor / Color: Tory Harder
Sound Mixer: Ethan Edenburg
Closing Track: “Be Here Now” by George Barber

Driver: Erin McGown
Passenger: MeLissa Luna
Wendy’s Employee: Eugene Cordero
McDonald’s Employee: Scott Rodgers

MeLissa Gavarrette